Albert the abacus wants to play, not spend his life on the shelf all day.
1 - Begin by learning about the abacus and bead values.
2 - Explore the difference between a counting board and an abacus.
3 - Add on the abacus.
4 - Subtract on the abacus.
5 - Multiply on the abacus.
6 - Divide on the abacus.
7 - Explore square roots on the abacus.
8 - Take a minute to stroll through an abacus photo gallery.
9 - Discover Mr. Feynman's encounter with an abacus.
10 - Watch a video showing how to use a counting board abacus.
11 - Make a popsicle stick abacus.
12 - Check out Michael Mode's wooden abacus art.
13 - Make a lego abacus.
14 - Play a game of abacus solitaire.
15 - Share Tamba's abacus with little people you know.
16 - Learn how to teach abacus to younger children. Then share your skills.
17 - Make a bead abacus.
18 - Create an abacus gallery illustrating and describing different types of abacus. Make sure to include your own creations.
19 - Play around with these abacus challenges.
20 - Play a few counting games with the abacus.
21 - Take part in an abacus counting bee.
22 - Create and complete your own abacus worksheet.
23 - Write the numbers displayed on these abacus. (answers)
24 - Compare your abacus to this pre-1850 Chinese abacus and this post-1850 Chinese abacus.
25 - Learn about the lonely abacus. Write a story explaining why it is called the lonely abacus and how it came to be. Then find out what the true story.
26 - Use this computation worksheet to work through problems on your abacus.
27 - Then use this abacus worksheet to draw your solutions onto each abacus.
28 - Now try this worksheet for showing high numbers on an abacus.
29 - Tell a story about 1,000 fish using your abacus as a prop.
30 - Make a mini abacus so you can play all day and any time.
31 - Now for the family craft- make an oversized wooden abacus for your living room.
For those who become infatuated with their own version of our Albert, here is one treasure you might want to print and leave near your finished family abacus...
The Bead Unbaffled: An Abacus Manual created by Totton Heffelfinger & Gary Flo